Microwave Magnetics and Nanomagnetism Group


Young-Yeal Song obtained his Ph.D. degree in physics from the Department of Physics at Chungbuk National University in Cheongju, Korea, in 1999. In his Ph.D program, he investigated the static magnetic and microwave properties of yttrium iron garnet (YIG) ferrites substituted with rare earth elements and transition metal elements. During this period, he was also involved in research in the Component Technology Development Section at the Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute in Daejeon, Korea.

Dr. Song joined in the Magnetics Laboratory in the Department of Physics at Colorado State University (CSU) in October of 2000 as a Post-doctoral Research Fellow. At CSU, he set up a pulsed laser deposition (PLD) system for magnetic thin film fabrications and succeeded in the deposition of low-loss single-crystal M-type barium hexagonal ferrite thin films with a ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) linewidth of about 16 Oe at 60 GHz. This linewidth is the lowest linewidth value for the barium ferrite films to date. From 2003 to 2007, he was a Research Professor and an Invited Associate Professor in the Department of Physics at Chungbuk National University. During this period, he taught several undergraduate and graduate core courses.

In March 2007, he joined in the CSU Magnetics Laboratory again as a Research Scientist III (equivalent to an Associate Professor). His current research interests include the deposition of magnetic thin films and ferromagnetic/ferroelectric heterostructures, the study of the magnetic and microwave properties of these films and structures, and the development of microwave and millimeter wave devices with these films. Very recently he made significant progress in the development of electric-tunable YIG - barium strontium titanate monolithic heterostructures and hexagonal ferrite film-based millimeter wave notch filters.

Dr. Song has been a Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) since 2008.

Dr. Song has authored or co-authored over 30 publications in archival technical journals and has given a number of invited talks. A list of recent publications and invited talks is given below.

Recent publications

  • Young-Yeal Song, Yiyan Sun, Lei Lu, Joshua Bevivino, and Mingzhong Wu, "Self-biased planar millimeter wave notch filters based on magnetostatic wave excitation in barium hexagonal ferrite thin films," Appl. Phys. Lett. (Accepted).

  • Young-Yeal Song, Jaydip Das, Pavol Krivosik, Hyung-Kee Seo, and Mingzhong Wu, "Electric tuning of ferromagnetic resonances at millimeter wave frequencies in barium ferrite-barium strontium titanate heterostructures," IEEE Magnetics Letters 1, 2500204 (2010).

  • Zihui Wang, Young-Yeal Song, Yiyan Sun, Joshua Bevivino, Mingzhong Wu, V. Veerakumar, Timothy J. Fal, and Robert E. Camley, "Millimeter wave phase shifter based on ferromagnetic resonance in a hexagonal barium ferrite thin film," Appl. Phys. Lett. 97, 072509 (2010).

  • Young-Yeal Song, César L. Ordóñez Romero, and Mingzhong Wu, "Millimeter wave notch filters based on ferromagnetic resonance in hexagonal barium ferrites" Appl. Phys. Lett. 95 142506 (2009).

  • Young-Yeal Song, Jaydip Das, Pavol Krivosik , Nan Mo, and Carl E. Patton, "Electric field tunable 60 GHz ferromagnetic resonance response in barium ferrite - barium strontium titanate multiferroic heterostructures" Appl. Phys. Lett. 94 182505 (2009).

  • Jaydip Das, Young-Yeal Song, Nan Mo, Pavol Krivosik, and Carl E. Patton, "Electric-field-tunable low loss multiferroic ferrimagnetic-ferroelectric heterostructures" Adv. Mater. 21, 2045 (2009).

  • Young-Yeal Song, Jaydip Das, Zihui Wang, Wei Tong, and Carl E. Patton, "In-plane c-axis oriented barium ferrite films with self bias and low microwave loss" Appl. Phys. Lett. 93, 172503 (2008).
  • Recent invited talks

  • "Electric Field Tuning of Ferromagnetic Resonance Responses in Ferromagnetic and Ferroelectric Heterostructures", Young-Yeal Song, Seminar, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming, March 29, 2010

  • "Ferromagnetic-Ferroelectric Heterostructures for Magneto-electric Devices", Young-Yeal Song Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Northeastern University , Boston, Maryland, May 13, 2009.

  • "Ferromagnetic Films and Ferromagnetic-Ferroelectric Heterostructures for Magneto-electric Devices," Young-Yeal Song, Seminar, Advanced Materials Research Institute at the University of New Orleans, New Orleans, Louisiana, March 19, 2009.

  • "Magnetic Films for Magneto-electric Devices", Young-Yeal Song, Department of Physics, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs , Colorado Springs, Colorado, November 21, 2008.

  • "In-plane c-axis oriented barium ferrite films grown on a-plane sapphire substrates with self bias and low microwave loss", Young-Yeal Song, Jaydip Das, Zihui Wang, Wei Tong, and Carl E. Patton, ICMM 2008, Fort Collins, Colorado, September 14, 2008.

  • "Ferrite Materials for High Frequency Applications", Young-Yeal Song, Department of Chemical & Petroleum Engineering, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY, May 14, 2008.