Microwave Magnetics and Nanomagnetism Group


Zihui Wang was born in July 1986 in Taihu, Anhui, China. He enrolled in the University of Science and Technology of China for college study in September 2003 and got his Bachelor's degree in Physics in July 2007. From September 2007 he enrolled in the Department of Physics at Colorado State University (CSU) as a graduate student. He joined the Microwave Magnetic and Nanomagnetism group in the same year.

Zihui Wang has various research interests. In 2007, he worked on the preparation of high-quality magnetic thin films through pulsed laser deposition (PLD) and liquid phase epitaxy (LPE) techniques. From 2008, he turned his research interest into two main areas: microwave assisted magnetization reversal (MAMR) and nonlinear spin waves. In the area of MAMR, his work includes both numerical simulations and experiments. He is now making progress in demonstrating MAMR effects in various magnetic samples. For the study of nonlinear spin waves, he has been interest in both the excitation of solitons and chaos in magnetic thin film systems. Currently he is studying Chaotic Soltions in feedback ring systems and soliton excitations in periodic magnetic structures (magnon crystals).

Zihui Wang has been a student member of Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) and the IEEE Magnetic Society since 2008.

Recent Publications

  • Zihui Wang, Young-Yeal Song, Yiyan Sun, Joshua Bevivino, Mingzhong Wu, V. Veerakumar, Timothy J. Fal, and Robert E. Camley, "Millimeter wave phase shifter based on ferromagnetic resonance in a hexagonal barium ferrite thin film," Appl. Phys. Lett. 97, 072509 (2010).

  • Zihui Wang, Wei Tong, Ke Sun, Mingzhong Wu, Ming Liu and Nian X. Sun, "Competition between pumping and damping in microwave-assisted magnetization reversal in magnetic films," Phys. Rev. B. 81, 064402 (2010).

  • Corneliu Nistor, Ke Sun, Zihui Wang, Mingzhong Wu, Christoph Mathieu, and Matthew Hadley, "Observation of microwave-assisted magnetization reversal in Fe65Co35 thin films through ferromagnetic resonance measurements," Appl. Phys. Lett. 95, 012504 (2009).

  • Zihui Wang and Mingzhong Wu, "Chirped-microwave assisted magnetization reversal," J. Appl. Phys. 105, 093903 (2009).

  • Young-Yeal Song, Jaydip Das, Zihui Wang, Wei Tong, and Carl E. Patton, "In-plane c-axis oriented barium ferrite films with self bias and low microwave loss," Appl. Phys. Lett. 93, 172503 (2008).
