Microwave Magnetics and Nanomagnetism Group


Germán Infante Fernández was born in Salamanca, Spain on August 20, 1981. He obtained his bachelor degree in the Department of Physics at the University of Salamanca in September 2005. In March 2006 he joined the Magnetism and Magnetic Nanomaterials group of the Materials Science Institute of Madrid (ICMM/CSIC). He is currently studying the static and dynamic magnetic properties of amorphous glass-coated magnetic microwires. He will be visiting the Microwave Magnetic and Nanomagnetism group till December 2009.

Recent Publications

  • M. Butta, G. Infante, P. Ripka, G.A Badini-Confalonieri and M. Vázquez, "M-H loop tracer based on digital signal processing for low frequency characterization of extremelly thin magnetic wires," Rev. Sci. Instrum. 80, 083906 (2009).

  • G. Infante, R. Varga, G. A. Badini-Confalonieri and M.Vázquez, "Locally induced domain-wall damping in a thin magnetic wire," Appl. Phys. Lett. 95, 012503 (2009).

  • L. Kraus, M. Vázquez, G. Infante, G. Badini-Confalonieri and J. Torrejón, "Nonlinear magnetoimpedance and parametric excitation of spin waves in a glass-covered microwire," Appl. Phys. Lett. 94, 062505 (2009).