The Magnetic Materials and Applied Magnetism Laboratory (MMAML) at the Colorado State University is located in the Department of Physics. The laboratory consists of three research groups.
Kristen Buchanan (Assistant Professor)
Nanomagnetism. My research explores lateral confinement and coupling effects in nanomagnets through both
experimental investigations and numerical modeling. In addition to being
an exciting subject of study from a fundamental perspective, nanomagnets are
also important for the advancement of technology, for example, in spintronics
devices, storage media, and for medical applications. My present work focuses
on the magnetization reversal and spin excitations of patterned magnetic elements.
For details on magnetics research at CSU see my group's website.
Carl E. Patton (Professor)
Magnetization Dynamics.
The members of Magnetization Dynamics Group work on
the front lines of modern day research on magnetic materials and magnetic
phenomena, and especially on the linear and nonlinear magnetodynamics and
damping in metallic and ferrite magnetic thin films. The various research programs and
projects are generally of fundamental interest as well as technological
importance for high frequency, radar, and information storage applications.
Current funded programs are supported by various government agencies, and
private industry.
Mingzhong Wu (Assistant Professor)
Microwave Magnetics and Nanomagnetism. The Microwave
Magnetics and Nanomagnetism Group are interested in many
topics in magnetism and magnetic materials. The current research areas include
nonlinear spin waves, envelope solitons, chaotic dynamics, modulational instability,
parametric pumping, magnetization reversal dynamics, ferromagnetic resonance,
nanomagnetism, magnetic nano films, and microwave and millimeter wave magnetic materials and devices.